Sustainability Governance -
Board Oversight & Management Role:

Sustainability is a top priority at Asian Paints and has long been integrated into our decision-making process across the board. Through our robust and outcome-oriented governance structure, our Board maintains keen oversight and together with the senior management, drives the implementation of our ESG agenda.

The Board has provided guidance in developing our recently adopted ESG strategy and monitors progress in fulfilling the objectives set therein. The Stakeholders Relationship Committee of the Board is entrusted with the responsibility to support the Board in ESG oversight. Further, the Risk Management Committee of the Board evaluates and provides insights on ESG risks and opportunities including climate-related, along with mitigation plan.

The Company’s One Link1 group, led by the Managing Director & CEO, is tasked with implementing the ESG objectives of the Company, including climate change mitigation and adaptation. Relevant business unit heads are responsible for driving specific initiatives such as R&T for product stewardship, Manufacturing Technology team for renewable electricity etc.